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Satyananda Yoga Nidra for teenagers

  • Posted on May 8, 2012 at 2:58 pm

What is it? –

It is a systematic and scientific method of inducing deep and complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.

Why is it important for teenagers?

Firstly check out the list of benefits below. Can you already see how a teenager absolutely needs this practice and they don’t have to do anything but lie down! Teenagers are under a lot of pressure. Not only are they tired and overly stimulated but they are vulnerable and often lacking in confidence. Yoga Nidra gives them a way to remove themsleves from the external world for a short while and come back into themselves. A place where they can find solitude, peace and rest. A place where they can relax, restore and re-energise their entire being.

Background –

‘Yoga’ means union or one pointed awareness and ‘Nidra’ means sleep. It was adapted from an ancient practice by Swami Satyananda in the mid 20th century as a way to access the state of mind between wakefulness and dream. This phase of the mind is where deep learning & memory retention can take place. It is a state where changes can be made to mental thought patterns that are limiting or no longer serve us along with rebalancing emotions & hormones. Above all it is a complete relaxation practice that is greatly restorative on all levels of being.

What do they have to do? –

In this practice the body sleeps, the mind rests but the awareness remains active and aware. There is nothing to do except to lie down comfortably for approx 30mins and audibly follow the guided relaxation.

How could it benefit them? –

  • can help manage stress & anxiety
  • can help instil positive thought patterns & remove negative ones
  • can help with mental focus & concentration
  • can help boost the immune system
  • can relieve physical, mental & emotional tiredness
  • It is said that 30mins of yoga Nidra is equal to 2hrs of deep sleep

My daughter is 13yrs and at the beginning of those long, hard teen years ahead. She has been practicing a basic form of Yoga Nidra for a few years now. If she is tired, stressed or just can’t sleep,  she voluntarily gets her IPOD and soothes herself with the practice. All I can say is where was this practice when I was her age…..