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Why Yoga for preschool children?

  • Posted on June 14, 2011 at 2:25 pm

Pre-schoolers are filled with wonder and creativity. They are like sponges, waiting to soak up every experience through sensory discovery and personal interactions and learn through imitation and play.

Yoga allows them to explore life, engaging their imaginations. They get to experience fun, playfulness and collaboration with others in a unique learning environment.
They discover skills that grow with them giving them the confidence to be their own unique selves, learning to listen to their intuition & trust their instincts.

The playful nature of combining the yoga poses & creative movement help develop gross motor skills, balance and co-ordination whilst encouraging children’s imagination & resourcefulness. The children get to stretch, strengthen & calm their bodies helping to re-balance their energy. This helps them feel more settled & focused for the day ahead.

Introducing yoga at this early stage is important to instil healthy life long habits.