
Yoga Groove (primary children)

Children are joyful & creative beings. They are naturally curious about life and discover it through imagination & play. In our kids classes we teach with this in mind, using:  ‘stories, games, drama, song, rhythm and art’ to explore all that yoga has to offer.

time for a yoga show!In a supportive & fun environment we focus on physical postures, breath awareness & relaxation techniques to help children learn to release physical & mental tensions that are a by-product of living in this overly stimulated & often stressful age.


You may notice that our kid’s classes run for an hour rather than the standard 45 minutes. The reason for this is that in a ‘Yoga Groove’ class we intersperse the traditional physical, breathing & relaxation practices with many other aspects of yoga. Our aim is to give children a chance to look at their physical, behavioral & thought patterns. The children are encouraged to notice what is not useful in their lives & how these patterns can be changed if they wish. More importantly however, the focus is on encouraging them to see all the wisdom, beauty & potential that already exists within them.