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Nadi Shodana – Balancing breathing practice

  • Posted on February 25, 2018 at 4:18 pm
finding balance meditation stephen close up
Pranayama (expanding ones life-force) using Alternate Nostril breathing –
All our breathing practices fall under pranayama & it is the most powerful & direct way to extend our vitality & therefore our life-force.
Nadi Shodana (meaning purification of the channels) balances our physical energy due to the purifying effect it has on our bodies energetic channels. It also balances our mental energy as it directly effects both the left & right centres of the brain.
As neuroscience is now discovering, what effects the body, effects the brain & vice versa so this purifying & harmonising practice restores a sense of equilibrium in both body & mind. It is soothing & calming but also can bring about a sense of clarity & lightness, the balance of this is often lacking in our life & we use all sorts of ways (coffee, chocolate, alcohol, excessive exercise) to try to find balance.
Foundation practice – 
Last week we simply sat & became aware of & sensitive to the breath oscillating in the nostrils, firstly together & then the Left & Right nostril alternately. We used visualisation as well to increase the sensitivity & further activate the brains involvement in the process. Wether you were present of not you might like to try it at home before this weeks class.
Method –
1. Sit (or lie) comfortably, feel into your body for a few minutes, adjusting your body so it feels stable, balanced & even. Imagine a triangle with the base being the legs & buttocks & the apex being the head).
2. Feel your breath moving & try to allow it to soften into your abdomen. Give it time to become rhythmic & then feel the breath moving evenly in & out of both nostrils simultaneously. Count 3 breaths.
3. Become aware of the left nostril, feel & visualise the breath moving in & out of only the left nostril. Again count 3 breaths
4. Do the same with the right nostril for 3 breaths.
5. For a few minutes, go through these three steps (2-4) so the ratio is – 3 breaths : both nostrils, 3 breaths : Left nostril, 3 breaths : Right nostril. (Up to 5 rounds in total).
6. If you wish you can imagine you are drawing an inverted V (i.e. ^) with each Left & Right breath visualising it moving within each nostril to the point between the eyes & back down again, alternating between each nostril whilst continuing to converge at the eyebrow centre.
6. Stop & notice any changes to the energy of the body / mind.
Note – this is a preliminary technique. There is no blocking of nostrils or placement of fingers over airways. Simply using awareness of sensations & visualisation. If there is any sense of discomfort ie. shuddering or tension in the breath then go back to natural abdominal breath or natural breath awareness.